WhiteboxTools Wrapper

WhiteboxTools Wrapper#

This is a Python wrapper for the command-line interface of WhiteboxTools that downloads the binaries for the current platform and runs the specified tool with the given arguments.

import platform
import requests
import zipfile
import shutil
import tempfile
import stat
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess

def _download_wbt(
    wbt_root: str | Path = "WBT",
    zip_path: str | Path | None = None,
    refresh_download: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Download the WhiteboxTools executable for the current platform."""
    base_url = "https://www.whiteboxgeo.com/WBT_{}/WhiteboxTools_{}.zip"

    system = platform.system()
    if system not in ("Windows", "Darwin", "Linux"):
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported operating system: {system}")

    if system == "Windows":
        platform_suffix = "win_amd64"
    elif system == "Darwin":
        if platform.machine() == "arm64":
            platform_suffix = "darwin_m_series"
            platform_suffix = "darwin_amd64"
    elif system == "Linux":
        if "musl" in platform.libc_ver()[0].lower():
            platform_suffix = "linux_musl"
            platform_suffix = "linux_amd64"

    url = base_url.format(system, platform_suffix)
    wbt_root = Path(wbt_root)

    exe_name = (
        "whitebox_tools.exe" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "whitebox_tools"
    if (wbt_root / exe_name).exists():

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
        temp_path = Path(temp_dir)
        zip_path = (
            temp_path / "whitebox_tools.zip" if zip_path is None else Path(zip_path)
        zip_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        if zip_path.suffix != ".zip":
            zip_path = zip_path.with_suffix(".zip")

        if not zip_path.exists() or refresh_download:
                response = requests.get(url)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to download WhiteboxTools: {e!s}") from e
        elif verbose:
            print(f"Using existing WhiteboxTools zip file: {zip_path}")

            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as zip_ref:
                for file_info in zip_ref.infolist():
                    if "/WBT/" in file_info.filename:
                        extracted_path = Path(
                                Path(file_info.filename).parts.index("WBT") + 1 :
                        if extracted_path.parts:
                            source = zip_ref.extract(file_info, path=temp_dir)
                            dest = wbt_root / extracted_path
                            dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
                            shutil.move(source, dest)
        except zipfile.BadZipFile:
            raise RuntimeError("Downloaded file is not a valid zip file.")

    # Set executable permissions for non-Windows platforms
    if system != "Windows":
        for exec_name in ("whitebox_tools", "whitebox_runner"):
            exec_path = wbt_root / exec_name
            if exec_path.exists():
                    | stat.S_IXUSR
                    | stat.S_IXGRP
                    | stat.S_IXOTH

def _get_wbt_version(exe_path: str | Path) -> str:
    """Get the version of WhiteboxTools."""
        result = subprocess.run(
            [str(exe_path), "--version"], capture_output=True, text=True
        output = result.stdout.strip()
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Error running WhiteboxTools: {e!s}") from e
    match = re.search(r"WhiteboxTools v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", output)
    return match.group(1) if match else "unknown"

def _run_wbt(
    exe_path: str | Path,
    tool_name: str,
    args: list[str],
    compress_rasters: bool,
    work_dir: str | Path,
    verbose: bool,
) -> None:
    """Run a WhiteboxTools command."""
    command = [
        "-v" if verbose else "-v=false",
        f"--compress_rasters={'true' if compress_rasters else 'false'}",

    if verbose:
        version = _get_wbt_version(exe_path)
        print(f"WhiteboxTools version: {version}")
        print(" ".join(map(str, command)))

        process = subprocess.run(command, check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
        if verbose:
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        print(f"Error output: {e.stdout}")
        raise Exception(f"Error running tool: {e}")
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(f"Unexpected error: {e}")

def whitebox_tools(
    arg_dict: dict[str, list[str]],
    wbt_root: str | Path = "WBT",
    work_dir: str | Path = "",
    verbose: bool = False,
    compress_rasters: bool = False,
    zip_path: str | Path | None = None,
    refresh_download: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Run a WhiteboxTools (not Whitebox Runner) tool with specified arguments.

    arg_dict : dict
        A dictionary containing the tool names as keys and list of each
        tool's arguments as values. For example:

        .. code-block:: python

                "BreachDepressionsLeastCost": ["--dem='dem.tif'", "--output='breached_dem.tif'"],
                "D8Pointer": ["-i=dem_corr.tif", "-o=fdir.tif"],

    wbt_root : str or Path, optional
        Path to the root directory containing the Whitebox executables (default is "WBT").
    work_dir : str or Path, optional
        Working directory for the tool (default is current directory).
    verbose : bool, optional
        Whether to print verbose output (default is False).
    compress_rasters : bool, optional
        Whether to compress output rasters (default is False).
    zip_path : str or Path, optional
        Path to the zip file containing the WhiteboxTools executables (default is None).
        If None, the zip file will be downloaded to a temporary directory that gets
        deleted after the function finishes. Otherwise, the zip file will be saved to
        the specified path.
    refresh_download : bool, optional
        Whether to refresh the download if WhiteboxTools is found (default is False).

        If the tool execution fails.
        For any other unexpected errors.

    This function will run the specified WhiteboxTools tool and handle its output.
    If verbose is True, all output will be printed.
    wbt_root = Path(wbt_root)
    work_dir = Path(work_dir) if work_dir else Path.cwd()

    exe_name = (
        "whitebox_tools.exe" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "whitebox_tools"
    exe_path = wbt_root / exe_name

    if not exe_path.exists() or refresh_download:
        _download_wbt(wbt_root, zip_path, refresh_download, verbose)

    if not isinstance(arg_dict, dict):
        raise ValueError("arg_dict must be a dict.")

    if not all(
        isinstance(k, str) and isinstance(v, list | tuple) for k, v in arg_dict.items()
        raise ValueError(
            "arg_dict must be a dict of str keys and list or tuple values."

    for tool_name, args in arg_dict.items():
        _run_wbt(exe_path, tool_name, args, compress_rasters, work_dir, verbose)

An example usage:

wbt_args = {
    "BreachDepressionsLeastCost": ["-i=dem.tif", "-o=dem_corr.tif"],
    "D8Pointer": ["-i=dem_corr.tif", "-o=fdir.tif"],
whitebox_tools(wbt_args, wbt_root="WBT", zip_path="WBT.zip")