List of authors from DOI#
We can get a list of authors and their affiliations for any paper that is
published in an AGU journal
using the following code snippet. First, you need
to install lxml
, pandas
, and async_retriever
from lxml import html
import pandas as pd
import async_retriever as ar
dois = [
base_url = ""
urls = [f"{base_url}/{d}" for d in dois]
r = ar.retrieve(urls, "text")
def auth_xpath(n):
return f'//*[@id="a{n}_Ctrl"]/span/text()'
def affi_xpath(n):
return f'//*[@id="a{n}"]/p/text()'
for d, t in zip(dois, r):
tree = html.fromstring(t)
auth = [[tree.xpath(auth_xpath(n)), tree.xpath(affi_xpath(n))] for n in range(300)]
auth = [(a[0], b[0] if len(b) == 1 else b[1]) for a, b in auth if len(a) == 1]
auth_aff = pd.DataFrame(auth)
auth_aff.to_csv(f"authors_{d.replace('/', '_')}.csv", index=False, header=False)
This snippet saves a list of authors and their affiliations to a csv