Function progress with Rich

Function progress with Rich#

We can use rich and timeit to create a visually appealing decorator for tracking a function’s progress:

from import Live
import functools
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import datetime

def live_display(console, current, total, msg):
    def decorator_live_display(func):
        def wrapper_decorator(*args, **kwargs):
            with Live(console=console, screen=False, auto_refresh=False) as live:
                live.update(f"({current}/{total}) {msg} ...", refresh=True)
                start = timer()
                value = func(*args, **kwargs)
                end = timer()
                elapsed = datetime.timedelta(seconds=end - start)
                    f"({current}/{total}) {msg} [:heavy_check_mark:] ({elapsed})",
            return value

        return wrapper_decorator

    return decorator_live_display

Then we can decorate a function like so:

from rich.console import Console
from time import sleep

console = Console()

@live_display(console, 1, 7, "Doing a fancy job!")
def sleeping_beauty(t):
    return t

_ = sleeping_beauty(5)